Saturday 20 September 2014

Is Big Data driving my car ?

This is happening today
Two days ago, while I was driving to go to a meeting, my car decided by itself to slow down! I did not ask for anything but apparently, my car “though” I was driving to fast!

On cruise control position, I don’t have to worry about my speed ! Not having any manoeuvre to do behind my wheel, I fall asleep but before my eyes close, the car would stop by itself on the roadside. And if I take a drink to wake up and go back driving, the car would start only after sniffing at my breath!

But, even if I am totally engaged and convinced for better living with Big Data, I feel somewhere uncomfortable.

Starting with dinosaur’s computers
Let us come back at the beginning of the movie, around year 1965 when I was a kid. 

Driving a car was quite simple: speed, breaks, gear, turn to the left, turn to the right…All this on mechanical commands and the driver deciding what action to do. Great ! Simple, straithforward. As a driver, from where did I get the information ? From the green light, from the policeman at the crossroad or from the signpost on the roadside.

Usage, responsibility and rules were clearly definned. No confusion

Shift of new responsibilities
Then, if we fly to year 2000, we found cars integrated with hundred of embedded systems taking control of isolated functions such as combustion, breaking, temperature…

For example, if I decided to break, my automatic systems would modulate my command for better effect. Ok, I can understand that an intelligent breaking systems, full of vitamins such as embedded systems and rocket scientist programmes could be smarter than my bear foots in sandals (or espadrilles, depends of the date) on a wet road.

But, responsibility between the driver and the car maker started to be confused. Still, the confusion was little because the embedded systems are closed systems having full control of the environment and the input/output data.

Now, who’s responsibility ?
Now, with Big Data, it is an open world, no more control on input/output of data. At year 2014, the car without driver is there, in front of you ! But, to my understanding, Big Data is more than that : to profit from the flow of data, if it is in an open exchange between the different sources of data.

Open world, losing control… frightening to loose control, don’t you think so?

Security for IT systems embedded in your car seems to be weak I can read in the morning newspaper. Virus on my breaking systems !! Gee ! Never think of it !

So Big Data is opening my car to let others drive it instead of me ! This is not a comfortable situation, you will agree with me!

As a user, my concern about Big Data is not to be afraid of loosing control of my vehicle (driving it, maintaining it, replacing it…). My concern is what service I what should I pay for it !! Is Big Data serving my needs or serving others interests…

Shall I give the responsibility (and the pleasure) to a Machine Learning ?
Big Data in coming with a lot of data. From my understanding, traditional computing techniques are not able to deal with Big Data and this open the doors to Machine Learning

And the question is : would you let a Machine Learning algorithm take control of your driving? Stanley Kubrick brouth the question in “2001 Space Odyssey” with HAL computer. And the answer was: pull off the plug. But today, it is impossible to pull off all the plugs of Internet, the back bone of Big Data. We are surrounded by an ever running Machine Learning. For who’s benefits this Machine Learning is working for (hard working, truly !) ?

Should I leave my driving skills to a Machine Learning ? Should I leave my pleasure of driving to a Machine Learning ?

So if you want to continue driving by yourself and enjoying by yourself doing things (like at the time of the roman empire) I only see one solution : get control of the Machine Learning.

But how to get control of a Machine Learning ? Let’s wait for the next post. I shall have a cup of tea in between


Tuesday 9 September 2014

Big Data is a window on real world with digitization

From computerization to digitization
Data started with computerization by the 1950s and it grew up tremendously since 2006 when smart phones started to be in the hand of users

Computerization started by 1950s with process automation and number crunching. With these techniques, we send Apollo on the Moon. Data is an input/output

Networking started by 1970s with Arpanet, internet and the world wide web. It delivers communication and ubiquitous to every body. Data is an in-flow/out-flow

Virtual world started around the 1990s with computer simulation capabilities, building virtual products, virtual factories, prototype and tests before processing any physical results. Data is real/virtual

Digitization started with smart phones by 2006. Every person around the world is able to have a small powerful, communicating and mobile processor in his hand for every day life. Source of data from nearly 7 billions of users around the world

By now, digitization is expanding to household, medicine, control traffic, design, Internet of Things…

From data to Big Data 
With digitization, data become Big Data

Is there a difference between data and Big Data, beside volume, format or type?

                                 Yes, there is a major difference

Data are input/output, in-flow/outflow or real/virtual and data have to fit nicely for computerization to avoid garbage-in /garbage-out. Data can’t be garbage-in and it has to be structured in a way that the computer program can process. Data and computer models are linked. This is for example BI or OLAP

Big Data mirror reality and every day life, so you can’t have garbage-in (unless you think reality is garbage in, but this is another subject). Big Data reflect the world we live in so if we change anything about Big Data input, in order to have a smooth processing, then we change the reality, we are lying about truth and events (I know, it is tempting to change the world to drive to nice results but we shall follow Oscar Wilde recommendation… )

Processing Big Data with Turing machine : the difficult task
So if you can’t change Big Data, it is to the model to fit into data “as it is” for processing purpose. This is one of the challenges of Big Data: methodology for building processing capabilities on very large quantities of data

But today, processing relies on Turing machine and these machines ask for logic. The only way to manage today the logic is to build models, but models only reflect a part of reality, a model is a kind of abstract of reality, a model in with not with a single contradiction…

So the difficult task is: how to compute Big Data with logics and models, being aware that these last ones will never cover the total scope of Big Data ?

No answer today, at least on this blog but I am sure that with your comments, we will get some answers.

Big Data processing for life problem resolution
So before the computer builders deliver us some nice synapse, quantic or neuronal machines, lets start some practical approaches with our old and ugly looking Turing machine (the tower I have under my desk). Big Data bring the raw material to answer the questions, to solve problems and if possible, to act.

For example:

  • how much yogurts will I sell on next month in south East Europe ?
  • what will be the changing rate of $/£ on next term ?
  • what will be the budget of the next Olympic games?
  • When will we found a vaccine against paludism ?
  • How many years before the big crunch?
  • Is there any risks that our planet turns like Mars (no water, no life) ?
  • Is there life somewhere outside the solar system?
  • When will the deficits of some European countries decrease?

I am sure you are eager to have some responses and Big Data will help, but not yet. It could only be possible with your comments. We just have to believe it is possible. I do believe it.

Cheers for comments

Sunday 24 August 2014

Who is afraid of Big Data ?

ME !!

You don’t believe it?

Yes, truly. Why ?

I am afraid of:

-          not understanding Big Data
-          not to be aware of what is doing Big Data
-          being a dummy about Big Data
-          missing opportunities from Big Data
-          to find Big Data hidden behind my cup of tea, under my shoes, into my bed, around my preferred chocolate milk…

Big Data hidden behind my cup ?

Will Big Data knock on my door, early one morning, shouting “Open the door ! Wake up man “ ! It seems that Big Data knows everything about me, where I was born, where I live, to what religion a belong to, who is my preferred Hollywood actress, my blood pressure, the colour of my socks, the name of all my friends at Lyceum when I was 16 years…

I am not a computer specialist, not a rocket scientist, not a Nobel price (nor Fields price) and my QI is below 200.

So what can I do?

I can talk and exchange about Big Data and this is the point of this blog. Talk and exchange with everybody who is non specialist of Big Data.

What are my weapons for understanding Big Data?

They are:
-          commons sense,
-          everyday life experience
-          analogy and similarity
-          others experiences
-          straightforward thinking
-          your experience
-          simplicity
-          others

Yes ! Everybody can talk about Big Data because Big Data seems to be intrusive to all of us. The other way round would be unfair, don’t you think ?

My scientific tools are: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These four weapons will crash down all temptation of fuzzy explanations coming from more complicated formulas

Choose your tool

Join the fight !
So I invite you to join this fight so that the fierce, powerful and frightening tiger of Big Data becomes a nice pussy cat. Look at the pictures below for better explanation

From fierce to sweet - Yes we can !

Your tools: questions, common sense, experience, communities, networks…
